At Nuforma we're all about making Pilates more accessible, personalised, flexible and affordable.
Whether you're looking to build strength, get fit, boost performance, recover from injury, increase mobility or just improve your general wellbeing, you can realise your goals for your body, at your pace with Nuforma Pilates in Bondi Junction, NSW.
Pilates Membership Options
We offer a wide variety of Pilates membership options at our Bondi Junction Pilates studio. From beginner to advanced, our subscription options suit everyone who's interested in Pilates. Choose from 2 Pilates classes a week, go for a 3 class subscription, or even choose to enjoy unlimited Pilates sessions every week!
Casual Packages
Still not quite sure what you want to go for? Why not trial a single Pilates class, test out 5 sessions, 10 classes, or even try out 20 classes?
Get personalised programs tailored to your goals at a similar price point to other premium Pilates classes
We’re here to help!
Please call us on 0483 914 492
or email bondi@​